The power output and efficiency rating of gas turbines are usually based on iso conditions inlet air temperature 288 k and 65% relative humidity. Evaporative cooling as an efficient system in mediterranean. In so doing, the overall system efficiency increases to almost 90 percent, which is maintained yearround. This system has a great potential to provide thermal comfort in places where air humidity is. The tradeoffs to these water savings are higher costs and lower efficiencies. It cools the inlet air to the gas turbine from 38 to 15 oc. Munters technology for direct and indirect evaporative air cooling is sustainable and energy efficient as it uses the natures own way of cooling. An evaporative and desiccant cooling system for an.
Iccem 2012 331 342 type text 332 gas turbine performance. The major advantage of closedloop steam cooling is that it can eliminate the need for film cooling. In all types of gas turbines, large amounts of relatively cool air join and mix with the burned gases aft of the burners to cool the hot gases just before they enter the turbines. The capacity of the storage system is 35% of the total system capacity.
The second type, often called a closedcircuit cooling tower, involves. Evaporative cooling increases gas turbine power output. Pdf study on performance improvement and economical. The limitations of the evaporative cooling capability are analyzed and formulated in terms of the characteristic dimensions involving the temperature ratio, the power gain ratio pgr, thermal efficiency change, and humidity ratio. An inlet air cooling system installed in a desertdry area to increase turbine power output. This is a pdf file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for. The performance of the gas turbine will be evaluated with the proposed cooling technique and compared with values of the simple gas turbine. Estimated cooling load for the proposed inlet air cooling is 679. Performance evaluation of steam injected gas turbine based.
Us20150125260a1 steam turbine forced air cooling system. Aug 27, 1974 this invention relates to a cooling system for an axial flow steam turbine and more particularly to a wetdry cooling system. Global supplier of steam condensers and related technology. The performance test results show that the mean output power of frame9 gas turbines is increased by 11 mw 14. Thermodynamic analysis of a gas turbine power plant modelled with an evaporative cooler 1. To cool the bearing and thermally insulate the bearing from the cooling steam paths, a radiation shield is spaced from the bore tube assembly by a dead air gap. Additionally, gas turbine inlet air cooling is sometimes con. Evaporative cooling technology for vancouver final notes. Us6450758b1 cooling system for a bearing of a turbine rotor. Calculation of the choked back pressure for steam turbines. Course contents evaporative coolers, often called swamp coolers, are cooling systems that use only water and a blower to circulate air.
Closespaced double tube sheets are protecting condensate systems from cooling water inleakage at various installations. Study on performance improvement and economical aspect of gas turbine power plant using evaporative cooling system article pdf available december 2015 with 1,480 reads how we measure reads. Evaporative cooling typically can decrease inlet air temperatures by as much as 20 to 30. For any steam turbine to operate, a pressure difference must exist between the steam supply and the exhaust. Since the cooling water and steam do not mix, the condensate is recovered and any kind of cooling water can be used. Various types of evaporative air coolers were compared. An analysis of power enhancement of gas turbine power. By mechanically chilling the inlet air before it enters the compressor, tiac gives the turbine a boost and restores the power produced to the nominalrated output. Evaporative cooling of gas turbine engines mee industries, inc. Some vacuum physics of steam condensers for turbines. Parallel direct air cooled indirect evaporative condenser system pcs pcs combines performance benefits of a surface condenser and evaporative cooling tower system with the water saving benefits of an acc pcs system sized to meet specified limited cooling water availability maximizes water use to limit in order.
Evaporative cooling system upgrades provide more power output and efficiency for aeroderivative gas turbines in high temperatures and low humidity. Limitations of inlet air evaporative cooling system for. It can be used in cogeneration systems, where the needed heat to regeneration can be gotten from gas turbines exhaust gases or from internal combustion engines or, still, from steam in plants that use steam turbines. However, by applying turbine inlet air chilling tiac systems, power producers can avoid this output drop, improving their profitability and guaranteeing constant power production. Aircraft reciprocating and turbine engine cooling systems. The use of dry cooling systems completely eliminate the need for cooling tower makeup water.
In the evaporating cooling system, humid bed method andor fog pumping process, water can study and comparison of inlet air cooling technique of gas turbines and their effects on increase of the efficiency and outlet power seyed ali sakhaei and mahbod safari. In the western us, wetrecirculating systems are predominant. In a gas turbine, a bore tube assembly radially inwardly of an aft bearing conveys cooling steam to the buckets of the turbine and returns the cooling steam to a return. The cooling system or the circulating water system provides a continuous supply of cooling water to the main condenser to remove the heat rejected by the turbine and auxiliary systems e. In order to ensure the secure and stable operation of wind turbine, effective cooling mea. Combustion turbine inlet cooling using direct evaporative. Economic benefits of replacing gas turbine media based evaporative cooling with inlet fogging systems, meefog technical application note angt205, 5 jan 202, rev. Thin film of cooling water trickles over these tubes continuously from water nozzles. Air appears as the logical coolant for gas turbine combustion systems, and its use is assumed in each of the wall cooling methods which are discussed in this paper.
The heat transfer coefficient for evaporative cooling is very large. Evaporative wet cooling towers require significant amounts of make up water, emit vapor plumes with the related drawbacks, meanwhile discharge concentrated cooling water blowdown, which may pollute the surroundings. There is a thin water film around the condenser tubes from which evaporative cooling takes place. The energy saving potentials that could be made compared to conventional cooling systems and the concerns of the water consumption are highlighted. Knowledge of the internal combustion engine is not necessary in order to drive a car. The invention offers a steam turbine forced air cooling system, its method, and a steam turbine provided with the system, the system being of an inexpensive and simple device configuration and improving a cooling effect by the use of an easytoget device. Thus, this type of airconditioning is neither sustainable nor. The direct consequence of cooling the turbine inlet air is power output augmentation. Turbine inlet air cooling is a group of technologies and techniques consisting of cooling down the intake air of the gas turbine. Water for power plant cooling union of concerned scientists. It consists in water evaporation, through the passage of an air flow, thus decreasing the air temperature. It must also deliver steam safely to the turbine under all conditions.
In these condensers, the water is sprayed from top part on a bank of tubes carrying the refrigerant and air is induced upwards. Variations on the full dry and full wet systems are hybrid systems, which may be wet with some dry or dry with part wet. Although evaporative cooling systems have low capital and operation cost, reliable and require moderate maintenance, they have low operation efficiency, con. Due to its inherent characteristics evaporative cooling is thought as being only effective in.
Wind turbine cooling technologies 617 3 current wind turbine cooling systems as has been mentioned above, in the operation of wind turbine, the gearbox, generator and control system will produce a large amount of heat 11. Gas turbine technology works according to the laws of physics. Evaporative cooling an overview sciencedirect topics. This is the net power obtained from the gas turbine plant. Cooling coils or evaporative media placed on inlet air, pose a constant pressure loss. Parametric analysis of cooled gas turbine cycle with.
Cooling air inlets are frequently provided around the exterior of the engine to permit the entrance of air to cool the turbine case, the bearings, and the turbine nozzle. Closedloop, evaporative cooling systems can save water. In surface condensers, there is no direct contact between the exhaust steam and the cooling water. The table illustrates simulations run with several gas turbines. Thesis performance of an aircooled steam condenser. In this video solve numerical problem related to bootstrap evaporative cooling system also explain ramming process, isentropic compression and expansion process. Types of cooling system in engine working and advantages. There are two basic systems currently available for inlet cooling. Advantages of evaporative cooling systems proven technology with more than 2,000 installations since 1975 low water usage high system efficiency simple low maintenance system low operating costs low initial investment short pay back period enhanced air filtering and sound reduction properties. May 07, 2015 the steam turbine forced air cooling system according to claim 1, further comprising. Airside pressure drop across the cooling coil could be 1 to 2 inches of water column. The demand for energy worldwide continues to rise faster than generating capacity, and the deregulation of the electric power industry has created demand for.
In this article, we discuss the types of cooling system in engine. Ecolaire units in operation with up to six pressure levels. Twospeed fans are used in evaporative con densers and conventional cooling towers to minimize power consumption. Evaluation of six gas turbine evaporative cooling for fars. The application of the heat pipe concept to stator blade cooling is discussed in scme detail and a tentative design. Steam turbine steam system encyclopedia of life support. Reciprocating engine cooling systems an internalcombustion engine is a heat machine that converts chemical energy in the fuel into mechanical energy at the crankshaft.
Analysis of gas turbine performance with inlet air cooling. Mar 09, 2018 in a combined heat and power system utilizing a combustion gas turbine with typical electrical loads greater than 1 mw, the exhaust gas heat is recovered to produce steam at mediumtohigh pressures useful for heating and cooling. There are two basic types of evaporative air coolers eacs used to cool new. Heat transfer analysis of gas turbine rotor blade cooling. The first and most common system used in gas turbine inlet air cooling is evaporative cooling system. Evaporative cooler for gas turbine power augmentation. Parker can cool the full range of wind turbine power generation systems, including the converterinverter, reactor, transformer and generator with. Types of cooling towers two basic types of evaporative cooling devices are used. So, evaporative cooling systems that use adsorption predehumidification present a great perspective in thermal comfort. This system increases the generated power by a gas turbine in hot and dry weather. Aircooling methods for gasturbine combustion systems. Evaporative cooling increases gas turbine power output with rising energy costs and shortages around the world, the power industry continues to seek innovative solutions to these problems.
The evaporative humidifier filter, which traps the mineral deposits, makes the difference in maintenance between the two types of humidifiers. The modulair system includes two dry air coolers, an integrated dual pumping skid and the necessary piping manifolds to connect all three components. Evaporative cooling is widely recognised as one of the available gas turbine power augmentation tools. The first of these, the directcontact or open cooling tower figure 3, ex poses water directly to the cooling atmosphere, thereby transferring the source heat load directly to the air.
This system includes an absorption chiller and a thermal energy storage system. Evaporative cooling food and agriculture organization of. It does not do this without some loss of energy, however, and even the most efficient aircraft engines may waste 60 to 70 percent of the original energy in the fuel. Condensers 1 air cooled condensers 2 water cooled condensers 3 evaporative condensers a natural convection type b forced convection type a double pipe or tubeintube type b shellandcoil type c shellandtube type. Case study on power output enhancement through thermal. In steam turbogenerator power plants, heat from the exhaust steam of the turbine has typically been transferred to cooling water from a river, lake or some other natural water supply. The situation of cooling with evaporative media systems and with high pressure fogging systems from a condition of 104. An evaporative and desiccant cooling system for air. Why use direct evaporative cooling for turbine inlets. It may also improve the energy efficiency of the system. Condensing steam turbine, backpressure steam turbine, reheat steam turbine, turbine with steam extraction. Climatic analysis and application in high humidity regions. For example, a gas turbine generator with a donaldson evaporative cooling system installed at a site having an ambient temperature of 100. The water gets warmed in the condenser is discharged into the cooling system i.
With limitations on water availability, closedloop, evaporative cooling systems can be a costeffective technology. In this case the air stream is directly in contact with a. This paper focuses on power augmentation of a typical gas turbine cycle by using a desiccantbased evaporative cooling system. The basic principle of evaporative cooling is that as water evaporates, it cools the. An example was given for a supercritical, regenerative singleshaft, 2casing with 2exhaust steam turbine generation unit with air cooled condenser. Thu note ducusses the application of several types of liquid and vapour cooling systems to gas turbine blade coolmg, with emphasis on systems sultable for continuous operation.
Definition a steam turbine is a prime mover in which the potential energy of the steam is transformed into kinetic energy and later in its turn is transformed into the mechanical energy of rotation of the turbine shaft. C engine require a cooling system because combustion of fuel takes place inside the engine itself. Steam turbine forced air cooling system, equipment, and steam. The evaporative cooling system is used to raise both power output and efficiency of gas turbines. A key thing to remember is that if a coolmist evaporative humidifier has a filter, you will need to clean or replace it, but you shouldnt have to. An evaporative and desiccant cooling system for air conditioning in humid climates evaporative cooling operates using water and air as working fluids. The operation of steam turbine completely depends on the dynamic action of the steam expanding in. Air is further cooled in the cooling turbine due to its expansion. The industrial usage of a turbine influences the initial and final conditions of steam. During the condensation of steam, this thin film of water is evaporated and the remainder water is collected in the water tank. Steam system operation although the steam pipework is a fixed system with no moving parts it is subject to various transient conditions. This air flow allows for a greater amount of heat to be removed from the components, and for the steam turbine to cool down, more quickly than with natural cooling. In the extreme case of air that is totally saturated with water, no evaporation can take place and no cooling occurs.
Abbouda and almuhanna 23 designed, analyzed and tested twostage evaporative cooling systems direct evapora tive cooling and indirect evaporative cooling for a gh in saudi arabia to get higher cooling efficiency in hot and arid environ ments. Aircraft air refrigeration system types and explain any one type in brief with sketch. Direct evaporative cooling the direct evaporative cooling system is a simple and effective way of cooling the air stream in a direct evaporative cooler. Evaporative cooling increases gas turbine power output munters. Performance improvement of a gas turbine cycle by using a. This technique requires a desiccantbased dehumidifying process be used to direct the air through an evaporative cooler, which could be either mediabased or spray type. Cooling water for energy generation and its impact on nationallevel water statistics amit kohli1, k aren frenken1 april 2011 introduction cooling water for energy generation is accounted for differently in different countries. Gas turbine inlet air cooling available technologies 1. The condensate collected from these condensers is reused as feedwater in the boiler. Chaplin encyclopedia of life support systems eolss 1. For the same turbine power output the water consumed by an aircooled condenser incorporating a hybrid drywet dephlegmator is at least 20% less than an aircooled condenser with adiabatic cooling of the inlet air. Energy, exergy and thermoeconomics analysis of water. The exhausted steam from the lp turbines is condensed by passing over tubes containing water from the cooling system. Doubleeffect hotwells are in operation recovering the auxiliary turbine steam heat content that would otherwise be lost to the cooling system.
Present paper deals with the study for performance evaluation of steam injected gas turbine stig based power plant with inlet evaporative cooling. An evaporative cooler is a device that cools air through the evaporation of water. Nov 28, 2017 evaporative condenser the exhaust steam is passed through the series of gilled tubes called condenser coils. Combustion turbine inlet cooling using direct evaporative cooling. In order to ensure the secure and stable operation of wind turbine, effective cooling. The gas turbine power plant consists of compressor, combustion chamber and turbine. Cooling water for energy generation and its effect on. When warm, dry unsaturated air is pulled through a watersoaked pad, water is evaporated and is absorbed as water vapor into the air. The surface condenser is designed to condense and deaerate the exhaust steam from the main turbine and provide a heat sink for the turbine bypass system. Munters is a global leader in evaporative cooling solutions for numerous applications.
Gas turbine evaporative cooling power technology energy. Thermodynamic analyses exposed that thermal efficiency and specific output decrease with an increase of. Mechanical refrigeration system with chilled water storage 7. The system is designed to cool 543 gpm of 5050 waterglycol from 140 deg f to 122 deg f 4,554,000 btuhr with 95 deg f ambient air. Direct evaporative turbine inlet cooling tic provides a costeffective, energyefficient, and environmentally beneficial means to enhance power generation capacity and efficiency of combustiongas turbines during hot weather. Turbine inlet air chilling tiac gas turbine inlet cooling. Dry cooling systems use air instead of water to cool the steam exiting a turbine. Some vacuum physics of steam condensers for turbines received 26 april 1979 r n bloomer, central electricity generating board, marchwood engineering laboratories, southampton, england vacuum applies to steam turbines because the pressure of saturated vapour above available cooling water is well below 1 bar typically 17 mbar at 15 ambient.
Pdf comparison of evaporative inlet air cooling systems. Performance comparison between selected evaporative air coolers. In this study, the inlet air cooling technique proposed for analysis is evaporative cooling. This article by niagara blower shows how wet surface air coolers can play an. Our wellestablished and tested technologies counter the effects of ambient temperature on gas turbine output. A tic system that uses a chiller draws the turbine inlet air across a cooling coil in which either chilled water or a refrigerant is circulated as shown in figure 1. It converts a part of the energy of high temperature and high pressure steam into mechanical energy or shaft work. Industrial single shaft, aeroderivative climate conditions of the region ratio of air flow to the energy output. Drycooled systems use no water and can decrease total power plant water consumption by more than 90 percent. The entrained air from adjacent sources is very likely to be warmer than design or ambient conditions and therefore the performance of the acsc is negatively impacted.
As the turbine inlet temperature is raised to 1400c 2600f, excessive film cooling is the major obstacle to a further increase. Potential use of a direct contact condenser for steam recovery at the turbine exhaust of a utility power plant using a wet cooling system is investigated. F and a relative humidity of 30% could deliver up to 7. The following two systems are used for cooling the i. Direct dry cooling system in the direct dry system, the turbine exhaust steam is piped directly to. This paper aims to investigate the evaporative cooling limitations of compressor intakeair for improving the performance of gas turbine power plants. Pdf improvement of evaporative cooling system efficiency.
376 485 446 1332 1192 238 694 933 697 1169 377 1000 632 560 998 1249 1303 1218 520 318 1230 230 1049 158 1206 325 1251 725 489 40 1267 1287 743 391 536 1420 536 868 449 408 277 1113 1272 239 194 221